Diamond Star Above Ground Pool

Above Ground Pool Maintenance Checklist

As you begin preparing for pool season, knowing the steps to maintain your pool properly is important to getting the most out of your above ground pool. The team at Discount Pools Direct is dedicated to helping our customers care for their pool and get the most out of their outdoor space. That’s why we’ve put together a simple checklist to help you properly care for your above ground pool. When your pool is open for the season, a series of tasks need to be handled regularly to keep your pool ready for use. Keep reading for tips on how to keep your pool swim-ready.

Above Ground Pool Maintenance Checklist

Keep Your Pool Water Circulating

Be sure your pool water circulates for 8-12 hours each day, preferably while the sun is up. This helps prevent bacteria and algae growth in your pool while ensuring your pool chemicals are well-circulated

Test Your Pool Water Weekly

Test your pool’s water weekly to maintain your pool’s chemical balance and keeps your above ground pool safe to use 

Keep Your Pool Water Sanitized

Sanitize your above ground pool’s water. If your pool is using a chlorine system. The level should be between 1-4 parts per million (ppm)

Clean Your Pool Regularly

    • Begin by skimming any leaves and debris from the surface of the water
    • Next, use a brush, scrub down the sides of your pool
    • You’ll also want to vacuum your pool, both sides and bottom, paying special attention to the areas with less water circulation. After vacuuming, the pool may need water added back. Don’t forget to test water balance after adding new water
    • Don’t forget to backwash your pool once per week

Shock Your Pool Regularly

Prevent algae growth by shocking your pool weekly. Shocking the pool may also be a good idea after heavy rains, before and after pool parties, or after long periods of high temperatures. 

Get Answers to Your Questions and Start Pool Shopping

Still have questions about how to care for your pool this swimming season? Contact the team at Discount Pools Direct with your pool care questions. Looking for a new above ground pool for your backyard this summer? Start shopping our inventory of saltwater and chlorine above ground pools from the comfort of your couch. Don’t forget to read more about finance options for your above ground pool purchase. 




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